Please understand that just because you are on this list (unless you are a previous owner), it does NOT mean that you will for sure get the fanlisting. Anyone with a plus (+) is a previous owner(s) and if I were to adopt any of these fanlistings out, they will get first dibs (no matter what). However, if I were to no longer be able to keep the fanlisting and I choose to do a private adoption, it would be wonderful to know if there has been some previous interest.

Feel free to use this form if you would like to a get added to the list or e-mail me. All information is confidential, similar to submitting your forms over at TAFL/TFL.


Rei Hino/Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon)

Inuyasha & Higurashi Kagome (Inuyasha)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Deborah, Chrisie

Website © 2008-2024 by Amber.
I do not own any copyrighted media presented on this website.