
I'd like to take the time to offer credits and other such to the following subjects:

Paint Shop Pro X2 & Photoshop CS6- Yes, both programs are used on my web designs now.

Windows Media Player-
Oddly enough, I use Windows Media Player to capture and screen shots for any graphics and images unless credit is given on the respectful page where credit is due.

My current host for almost all of my websites, fanlistings, and such. A huge thank you Buruma! ♥

This program isn't as good as SmartFTP, but a very nice free FTP program. The user interface is hard to understand at first, but since I've been using this program for years and have had no problems, I recommend it.

Akira Toriyama-
Without the creator of Dragonball, there would not need a reason for this fansite.

The Little Man is a nonprofit fansite that is made by a fan, for fans. I do not claim to have any copyright hold any thing except original works and original characters. I do however, own the website's content and design, unless other wise disclaimed.

The Little Man has been copyrighted to Amber since 2009. Please do not reproduce the layout, graphics, or content, as they respectfully belong to Amber, unless otherwise stated on a page. This website is fair use and has "fair use" as it is a fan website for educational purposes only (such as research) or fandom related. This website is protected under the copyright of US Code: Title 17, 107 and such, it uses the laws of both the states of New Mexico and Texas respectfully, in the United States of America.

The interput of information on this website is provided from mine or any staff member's point-of-view. This is meant entertainment purpose only. Any information that maybe typed up and posted on this website are not for school projects for you to copy and paste. You can use the information up an opinion in a debate or quote, as long as you link back to The Little Man ( No copyright inference with international laws or other such is intended. Once again, we are a fansite and such, should be treated that way.

We do ask, whenever possible, to the buying of official merchandise of the Dragonball series (and any other media) and support the people who make this website possible in the first place. While I am not associated with Funimation, Akira Toriyama, or any other media represented on this website, I request that people purchase the official releases of DVDs, Games, Graphic Novels (manga), BluRays, and even CDs and purchase them without illegal downloads. The Little Man will not provide media for download anymore. All videos and URLs are links to third party websites.

The Little Man © 2009-2023 by Amber.
Dragonball © 1984-2023 by Akira Toriyama.