Super Saiyan Transformation

Original question: What is the key behind the Super Saiyan transformation?

The Super Saiyan transformation is triggered either by the need, desperation, or indignation to transform, though someone needs a pure heart (whether pure good or pure evil) to do so. Mostly, the Super Saiyan transformation has different "ways" of being triggered depending on the person. Goku triggered the Super Saiyan transformation after seeing Piccolo almost killed and Krillin killed by Frieza, his rage "tapped" into his Saiyan powers and in response, Goku become the first Super Saiyan shown in the manga or anime. Mostly, the Saiyans (and hybrid-Saiyans) have the unique ability alone, such proving another reason why Frieza blew up Planet Vegeta in his fear of the Super Saiyan Legend.

However, the Super Saiyan transformation can also take a great total on the body, as Goku had to practice to be able to control it at will (along with his energy in that state). Another flaw it can easily use up any energy the user has compared to the human fighters. There are several different forms of the transformation and each time, the user's total amount of power is more than tripled and the amount of ki being used is even greater.

Though, Goten and Kid Trunks were shown to have easily transformed into Super Saiyans, such indicating age and size of the user doesn't need to be taken into account. The strongest Super Saiyan, is Vegito or Gotenks by the end of the manga. Though the pairs are two people fused together, the Saiyan transformation is probably multiplied together by each different person, such making the power greater than stronger. However, Gohan is the strongest fighter (unfussed) by the end of the manga, such making his "Ultimate Form" stronger than the Super Saiyan transformations.

Please note: This does not cover Broly, simply because the movies are up for questionable debate.

The Little Man © 2009-2023 by Amber.
Dragonball © 1984-2023 by Akira Toriyama.